Thursday, December 31, 2009

Out with the old.. in with the new...

at least that's what they say... This year as I say good bye to 2009, I pause to reflect upon all that has happened over the past year. This year I said good-bye to the single life (something I thought I'd never do) and married a wonderful man... it seems that most of 2009 was spent preparing for that one day in October when I said "I do" and pledged my love and promised to stand with him through whatever life should throw at the time I am writing this blog we have been married for 2 months and 1 week. Many people have asked me over the past 2 months if it feels different or how does it feel to be married.. I always pause and have to consider how to answer these questions because the truth is it doesn't feel different.. James and I dated for almost 4 years before we got married and truth is it feels like he's been a part of my life forever... I can hardly remember what it was like before God brought us together... we just fit together and I think that's exactly the way it's supposed to be... a joining of 2 people who complement and complete each other. So on this eve of another year ending and another beginning I look forward to the journey James and I will travel and pray that each day will bring us closer to each and closer to God.
God Bless you all and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday's Happy List

1) the perfect juicy hamburger

2) homemade chocolate chip cookies

3) playing with my niece

4) finding the "perfect" gift for a loved one

5) goofing off with the family.. gonna be sad to go back to big D tomorrow

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday's list

1) spending time with family

2) the beautiful sights and sounds of Christmas

3) yummy berry yogurt

4) ice cold diet pepsi

5) a good book

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday's list...

1) having all my Christmas shopping done

2) praise team practice... (nope I don't sing... I'm just the video person)

3) the sound of children's voices singing

4) my family

5) heat!!!! It's wonderful to be warm!

Well that's my 5 for today! 3 days down, 4 more to go... check back tomorrow when I sign in from Arkansas with 5 more things that make me happy!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday's List of 5 things that make me happy

1) listening to music

2) waking up next to my husband with nothing to do but spend time with each other

3) waffles with peanut butter

4) manicures and pedicures

5) lazy weekends

Friday, December 18, 2009

5 more things

Here is today's list of 5 things that make me happy...

1) cuddling with James

2) unexpected Christmas bonuses

3) silly cards from my husband

4) Christmas vacation

5) comfy cozy socks that keep my toes warm.

What's your five for today?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Things that make me happy!

Ok, so yesterday after a wonderful dinner with my bffs we strolled over to Barnes & Noble to just browse and maybe have some coffee. While we were there Kathryn P. (last initial added so you won't think I'm talking about myself in the third person :) picked up some calendar titled "3,650 Things to be happy about". As she read through a sample list Lara and I were making faces at some of the items listed... so as we are standing there KP challenged Lara and I to come up with a list of 5 things that make us happy each day for a week. So here is today's list.

1) Thursday and Fridays (because these are James' days off and we get to spend time together)
2) James :)
3) chocolate
4) a restaurant having my favorite beverage (would you believe there are places out there that don't serve diet pepsi!)
5) spending time with my bffs :)

ok so that's today's list... what 5 things are making YOU happy today?