Sunday, November 2, 2008

I am Thankful for....

During this month of Thanksgiving the church I attend has challenged each of it's members over the course of the next week to each day write down 7 things they are thankful for. This sounded like a great blog opportunity so this blog is the first installment of my list. I hope that I am up to the task of doing this each day. I am a great starter... but don't always complete tasks like this in a timely manner, so I invite each of you to hold me accountable to keep up with this.

First on my list -
God's great mercy - I am thankful that He is merciful to forgive me of ALL my sins no matter how BIG or how small... even though I have done nothing to warrent His forgiveness!

Secondly -
I am thankful for God's love - that He loves me no matter what - He is always there to love me, even when I feel unlovable.

Thirdly -
I am thankful for the refuge He gives me when my life is in turmoil. He is my Rock and my Redeemer!

Fourthly -
I am thankful for the peace He gives me in times of trouble.

Fifthly -
I am thankful that He is the Creator of all things... and that He created me just the way I am for His purpose and His glory.

Sixthly -
I am thankful that His hand that is always outstretched to me, lifting me up when I fall, holding tight when I feel adrift in a sea of lonliness, carrying me in my darkest days. I am so glad I can feel His hand around me each and every day.

And for today's seventh item on my list I am thankful to God for sending His son to this earth to pay the price for my salvation. How awesome that God is so giving that He gave His son for me.

So there you have it... the first seven things I am thankful for... How about you? What are seven things you are thankful for?

Check back tomorrow to see what other 7 things I am thankful for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great List...AMEN